Flagstaff Crest 39 Course Overview

Distance: 39.0 Miles

Cutoff: 27 Hours

Surface Distribution
Single-Track: 65% Double-Track: 26% Pavement: 9%

Elevation Max: 7,491′ (2024)
Elevation Min: 6,633′ (2024)

Estimated Cumulative Gain: 3,964′ (2024)
Estimated Cumulative Loss: 3,873′ (2024)

World Class Trail Systems: Arizona Trail, Flagstaff Loop Trail

Course Map

Elevation Profile

Estimated cumulative gain = 3,964′ (2024)

Estimated cumulative loss = 3,873′ (2024)

Section Descriptions

Interested in learning even more about the course. Visit our ABOUT THE COURSE page.

GPS Enabled Device (Mandatory)

During the race, it is MANDATORY to carry a gps enabled device with the course file downloaded. This device can be a handheld GPS unit, watch, or smartphone. The smartphone is the easiest and least expensive option. To use a smartphone, install a mapping App such as Gaia, GuruMapsPro, TrailForks, or AllTrails to your phone. Then download the course GPX file from CalTopo (Flagstaff Crest 39 Course) and open the file in the mapping App. The course will appear, as well as your location (blue dot). Badabing Badaboom. Protip – Place your phone in airplane mode to maximize battery life.

Happy Running!

‘24 Ryan Wolff ^^         4:39:25‘24 Jessica Jones ^^          6:50:49
’23 Ryan Raff ^ 5:14:44’23 Sarah Brown ^     6:35:56
^ Standard Course – Up and over Elden
^^ Endangered Species Reroute – Around Elden instead of up and over

Course Questions?

Any other question? Feel free to email erika[@]aravaiparunning[dot]com.